ADHD Assessment

We are proud to offer thorough and in-depth ADHD assessments. We work in partnership with Consultant Clinical Psychiatrist, Dr Judith Piggot who is founder of SMARTS for Life to deliver these.

Our ADHD assessments follow our holistic neurodevelopmental approach and look at attentional regulation as part of your young person’s broader development.

Dr Piggot is able to prescribe where indicated and this can follow on directly from assessment.

As a close partner of Grow and Thrive, Dr Piggot works closely with our other professionals. Initial consultations are always jointly with another member of the Grow team and all support is delivered in close collaboration with other team members.

Psychiatry appointments are held at Dr Piggot’s clinic in Dunning Perthshire or held online.

Online sessions work well as we do not require the young person to be present for the whole session. This allows them to feel more comfortable in their own home.

Supports include:

  • Formalising a diagnosis of ADD/ ADHD and providing ongoing medical support if required (i.e. prescribing medication where appropriate)

  • Assessment of mental health and wellbeing and emotional regulation at part of neurodiverse profile

  • Exploration of sleep difficulties and the impact of these. Melatonin can be prescribed in some instances.

  • SMARTS profiling – the SMARTS profile is a brain-based way to understand strengths and support with challenges

  • Family support using SMARTS as a foundation

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