The Grow & Thrive Blog
Our new addition at Grow Communication
“My little girl has had many people fail to see her potential and it’s changed who I am as a parent and a therapist. I believe every child has unique interests, motivations, and strengths that need to be uncovered and recognised. What an honour and privilege it is to really see the greatness that lies in each child and to truly experience joy as each new (communication) skill is achieved."
Happy holidays?? A tale of AAC and Christmas.
When I talk about AAC systems I talk about robust language systems. By that I mean a Communication system which will enable you to have access to all the words that you might need, and to communicate for all the reasons that human beings communicate. That might, just might, include being told something really cheeky. And at Christmas we need access not only to words that let us say "happy Christmas" and "thank you", but also to grumble, nag and bicker.