Leaving .... or starting :)

Time for a clunky Lego animation (I do love Lego as you know and this is a big week for me so it merited my first video blog post).

This week I took the plunge and handed my notice into my NHS employer so that I could go completely independent as a Specialist Speech and Language Therapist focusing on young people with Autism.  I made this animation (with help from the whole family to design and record it!!) because it feels like a significant moment and I wanted to mark it.I also want to say thank you so much to the organisation I am moving on from.  The NHS and my fellow Speech and Language Therapists are truly awesome.  I will always value and respect the NHS and all who work in it.  It was my very real privilege to work alongside so many amazing families, supportive colleagues and MOST importantly with so many inspiring young people - you are all the reason I love my profession.

It's not without sadness that I say bye.  But I am ready to spread my wings and take a different path (hopefully not up too many ladders like this Lego one!!).  Lots of avenues to explore as I grow my business. Application in for ESpark and feeling hopeful. Exciting times.  Watch this space.


Jude Philip - passionate about seeing potential

#autism #speechandlanguagetherapy #scotland #asd


Sugar highs and picture exchanging (Top Tips for PECS)


Communication - it's a 2 way street (aka you will only hear someone's voice if you are listening).