Sparks jump!

sparks tom_bullock flickr

sparks tom_bullock flickr

Walking home today I bumped into an old acquaintance who stopped on her bike for a quick word.  She's been following my Facebook shares and my blog posts and what she said blew me away - that what she had been reading through my Timeline had "transformed" her view of what Autism is!  The messages "Just because I can't speak doesn't mean I have nothing to say" and "presume competence" have made a real impact on her.  This is just what I wrote about in my recent post "Raising Sparks".  She also mentioned a post I shared recently by Marci Lebowitz.We just never know how our words are impacting others - for good or for ill.  We all have our own life experience, views, hurts and passions - me included - and there will  be times where I inadvertently cause pain in what I say, because what I have written or shared touches a raw nerve.  My apologies in advance should that happen - I take the responsibility of posting and sharing seriously.But I end today with a glow that indirectly I have had a small part in transformation. The sparks of passion I hold for communication and autism themselves jump and start other fires :)

Night. Jude 


Sensory ups and downs


A Vision for the Next Generation - Females with ASD