Film review - "Through our eyes: Living with Aspergers"

Listen for the zebras

Listen for the zebras

It took me years to pluck up the courage to go on Facebook and to blog (I reckon I am a laggard when it comes to adopting new technology!).  But I LOVE new ideas and to have my thinking stretched - always with that sense of "Wow - there is so much more to learn". So now I am on Facebook I've had to start keeping a list of all the fascinating things about the Autism Spectrum that come up so I don't forget to go back to them (and learn).  (Yes that list is on paper so I'm not all there with technology :)).My latest 'discovery' is this documentary by Alyssa Huber about "Living with Aspergers" really struck me.  Alyssa has a natural gift for film-making - it's beautifully shot and sensitively and carefully narrated - and this 3 young people articulate so well how Aspergers feels for them.  It's interspersed with interviews from parents and professionals.  The film is realistic about costs and challenges. Dr Tim Wallberg speaks well about this - yes Aspies have 'deficits' --but also the (crucial) up side-- they also have 'superpowers' (ability to hyperfocus and attention to details, ability to think out of the 'usual' boxes, creativity - and I think amazing perseverance).I love what they say about how some things just need the AS brain and the NT brain to come together - without BOTH parts we won't have the full picture or be exploring all the possibilities.  BOTH have masses to contribute.  I love the story Matt tells about a NT and an Aspie hearing drumming hooves.  The NT says "that must be horses" and the Aspie says "it could be zebras".  I like a world where we don't assume the mundane.  I like a world where Zebra thinking is welcomed.

Take a look at the documentary (you'll need 30 minutes) so add it to your must-do list for when you have time.  Here's a link to Alyssa's blog page.  Be great to support her (extended version available to buy in June) - and to watch out for her in the future.I think that my mantra for the week will be "Listen for the zebras".

#aspergers #aspie #alyssahuber #documentary #autism


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